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Dubai Blockchain

Dubai BlockChain

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Dubai, being one of the most populous and richest city in the world with 2017 gross GDP of USD 105 billion, has become a global business and tourism hub in the recent couple of decades. The city quickly identified the significance of embedding advance technology in government and city itself and grasped the idea of becoming a paperless, fast-track, high-tech city. With the announcement of its first ICT strategy in 1999 and the establishment of Dubai Internet City followed by Dubai E-Government and Dubai Smart Government which subsequently led to Dubai Smart City Project in 2013 led by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed. With its quick-to-respond adaptation of new technology and successfully pioneering of such initiatives, now, Dubai is striving another step forward to become the world’s first Blockchain city. 
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid announced the “UAE Blockchain Strategy 2021.” By 2020, Dubai expects all visa applications, bill payments and license renewals to be transacted digitally using Blockchain, providing fraud prevention and transparency capabilities, and the city also plans to have robot cops, flying taxis and autonomous vehicles on its roads in coming years. During the launch of the “UAE Blockchain Strategy 2021,” His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid said that the adoption of Blockchain technology would support the government’s preparation for future challenges and save AED 11bn (approximately USD 3bn) that the government spends on document circulation annually. The introduction of blockchain in real estate is significant for a city that is ranked fourth in the world with the biggest inflow of high net-worth individuals as well. The strategy rests on four fundamental principles, focusing on “citizen and resident happiness, government efficiency, advanced legislation, and global entrepreneurship.” 
Amidst strong government support, it is no doubt that Dubai will become the World’s First Blockchain-Powered City, and HyperSwap would like to be a part of its pioneering journey.

What is HyperSwap ?


Technology Development  • 

Research for BlockChains  • 


•  Foundation of UCX

•  Issuance of UCX 
•  Sale of UCX
•  CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)


Dubai BlockChain



Dubai, being one of the most populous and richest city in the world with 2017 gross GDP of USD 105 billion, has become a global business and tourism hub in the recent couple of decades. The city quickly identified the significance of embedding advance technology in government and city itself and grasped the idea of becoming a paperless, fast-track, high-tech city. With the announcement of its first ICT strategy in 1999 and the establishment of Dubai Internet City followed by Dubai E-Government and Dubai Smart Government which subsequently led to Dubai Smart City Project in 2013 led by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed. With its quick-to-respond adaptation of new technology and successfully pioneering of such initiatives, now, Dubai is striving another step forward to become the world’s first Blockchain city. 
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid announced the “UAE Blockchain Strategy 2021.” By 2020, Dubai expects all visa applications, bill payments and license renewals to be transacted digitally using Blockchain, providing fraud prevention and transparency capabilities, and the city also plans to have robot cops, flying taxis and autonomous vehicles on its roads in coming years. During the launch of the “UAE Blockchain Strategy 2021,” His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid said that the adoption of Blockchain technology would support the government’s preparation for future challenges and save AED 11bn (approximately USD 3bn) that the government spends on document circulation annually. The introduction of blockchain in real estate is significant for a city that is ranked fourth in the world with the biggest inflow of high net-worth individuals as well. The strategy rests on four fundamental principles, focusing on “citizen and resident happiness, government efficiency, advanced legislation, and global entrepreneurship.” 
Amidst strong government support, it is no doubt that Dubai will become the World’s First Blockchain-Powered City, and HyperSwap would like to be a part of its pioneering journey.

What is HyperSwap ?


Technology Development  • 

Research for BlockChains  • 


•  Foundation of UCX

•  Issuance of UCX 
•  Sales of UCX
•  CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)


• Operation of M&A platform
                        AM platform
                        Exchange platform 



We are the first company of its type to utilize distributed ledger technologies to increase execution efficiency and provide on-chain investments through the ownership of our cryptographic token, we call UCX.
UCX is powered by an ERC-20 cryptographic token. This token serves as the primary gateway to allow capital raising by our team, of which will be deployed to acquisition of assets, development of the platform and operations. It also serves as the fundamental conduit to transferring economic value between two parties as a currency. And finally, it is an asset that is designed to provide value appreciation to investors and token holders, through the distribution of profits earned from successful financial transactions.


[fn MarketWatch]
UCX, The world first successful valuated cryptocurrency
FinancialNews Input : 2018.09.07 09:05 Edit : 2018.09.07 09:05

The world's first valuated cryptocurrency, which was valued by an accounting firm (Grant Thornton) and the Yonsei university industry-academic cooperation group and the token will begin trading in November. The symbol for the token is UCX, which is introduced by the GBC Korea.

"The direction of the domestic blockchain policy is more important than the speed," said Ko Jong-moon, CEO of GBC Korea. "The growth of the cryptocurrency market, which is the base of the block- chain around the world. Yet, regulatory authorities seem to be reluctant to introduce it because of the transaction stability.” In this situation, “We wanted to verify the growth potential of the cipher money by evaluating the future value of the cipher money as well as the stability of the transaction."

"Investors can trust and trade among a number of cryptocurrencies, and there is a big need to wonder how much future growth is guaranteed?" he said. To assess the value of the actual UCX, Daejoo Accounting Corporation commissioned Yonsei University's Industry-academic cooperation group, and conducted thousands of simulations with formulas that combine physics and mathematics.

"The price of UCX is estimated to be between $25.6 and $35.8 per year depending on the size of platforms that we are introducing and the rate of increase in cryptocurrency markets." said CEO Ko. In Korea, which is not yet allowed for Initial Coin Offering’s (ICO), the emergence of cryptocurrency with stability means that it is a big move.

The market for cryptocurrency, which was worth 1.6 billion dollars in 2013, has grown to 253.8 billion dollars as of August 5 in 2018.  

"It is important for the private sectors to work on the valuation of the ICOs," he said. "For investors, the value of the future is guaranteed. I hope that it will be a chance to recognize the cipher money as a stable trading means. "

"The idea is that even a cryptocurrency with a transaction stability in this growing cryptocurrency market should have a bill that allows ICOs and to have private companies to do the valuation work," he said. "For investors, I hope that it would allow cryptocurrencies to be recognize as a stable means of trading/income. "

Meanwhile, GBC Korea has developed the world's first blockchain platform for individuals to easily access to mergers and acquisitions deals through blockchain. Currently, stock transfer transactions are conducted only in the field, such as preliminary inspection, selection of preferred dealers, and due diligence. However, the platform developed by GBC Korea in conjunction with TechCoins in Silicon Valley, USA, solves the complex and inefficient problems of merger and acquisition, and also has the advantage of eliminating vulnerabilities such as hacking.

This means that all parties, investors, and managers within the platform understand and authenticate the progress of the business in real time, so that the transaction procedure is simple and there is no leakage of personal information. The UCX token is an ERC-20 based encryption token. It is used for asset acquisition, platform operation and development, and serves as a basic medium for exchanging economic value between trading partners.

Reporter Kyung-ah Kim /


来源:凤凰网中韩交流    UCX 世界上最初加密货币价值评估成功

鳳凰網中韩  : 

鳳凰網中韩 Input : 2018.09.12 09:05 
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韩国首个会计师事务所与产学合作团的加密货币估值成功,并于今11月首次交易,这备受瞩目的主人公就是GBC韩国(GBC KOREA)公司旗下的UCX。

9月7日,GBC韩国公司代表GO JONGMOON接受Financial新闻采访时表示:“韩国国内区块链政策比起速度更看重方向性” , 以及“全球上区块链基础的加密货币市场快速发展,但为了稳定性,适当的监督和引导必不可少。在这样的情况下,便能对评估交易的稳定性以及加密货币未来价值进行正确的评价。”

此外,他还表示“在不计其数的加密货币的交易平台中我们或许值得信赖,并且投资者非常关心未来增长性的价值是多少,因此通过与世界著名的会计师事务所Grant Thornton达成合作关系,对UCX进行价值评估。”


GO JONGMOON代表说:“根据本公司提供平台的大小和每年加密货币市场上升率,将UCX价值分为三类(肯定,普通,否定),以2025年10月为标准的评估价值结果显示UCX的价格约27.61美元到35.8美元。”








Financial News | 入力 : 2018.09.07 09:05 | 修正 : 2018.09.07 09:05
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会計法人と大学校との産学協力団による価値評価を受けた暗号通貨が、来る11月に世界初で取引を始める。その主人公は、ジービーシーコリア(GBC Korea)が披露する‘UCX’である。

高鐘文(コウジョンムン)ジービーシーコリア代表は7日、ファイナンシャルニュースとのインタービューで、“国内におけるブロックチェーン政策は、速度よりも方向性のほうが大事である”と述べながら、“ブロックチェーンを支える暗号通貨市場が全世界的に急成長していますが、政府や規制当局では、取引の安定性などの理由から未だ導入を躊躇しているようである。こういった状況の中で、取引の安定性は勿論、暗号通貨の未来価値をきちんと評価し、暗号通貨の成長性を検証してみたかった。一方で、投資者たちは、数多くの暗号通貨のうち信頼して取引可能でありながら、未来成長性に基づいて担保される価値を知りたい、というニーズが大きい。そのため、世界有数の会計法人であるGrant Thornton社と協力関係にあるデージュー会計法人を通じて、当社が披露するUCXの価値を評価してみたものである”と説明した。 







即ち、プラットフォームの中で全ての当事者、投資者及び管理者が業務の進行プロセスをリアルタイムで把握し認証するため、取引のプロセスが簡便でありながら、個人情報の漏洩もないということである。UCXトークンは、ERC-20基盤の暗号トークンである。資産の取得、プラットフォームの運用及び開発のために使用され、取引当事者同士で経済的な価値を交換する基本媒体としての役割を担う。 金ギョンア記者

"1초당 100만건" 지비시코리아,
​블록체인 고속 솔루션 개발
Financial News | 入力 : 2018.10.19 13:55 | 修正 : 2018.10.19 13:55
[fnマーケットウォッチ] "1秒当たり100万件"ジビシコリア, ブロックチェーンである高速ソリューション開発
Financial News | 入力 : 2018.10.19 13:55 | 修正 : 2018.10.19 13:55


合併買収(M&A)プラットホームにおいて世界中の数多くのユーザが投資業務を進めるためには1秒当たり数万から数十万件のトランザクション(TPS:Transaction Per Sec.)を処理できるソリューションが求められている。

しかし現在,暗号通貨の出だしであるビットコインは平均1秒当たり7TPS,イーダリウムが20TPS,イオスが3000TPSの水準を記録している。 これは従来の金融サービスと比べても著しく劣るスピードだという指摘だ。

一例としてイーダリウムプラットホームで駆動されているダップ(DApp: Decentralized Applications)は約2000余個だが,各々のダップ(dApp)で1秒当たりのトランザクションが発生すると仮定した場合、イーダリウムの速度は20TPS前後であるため各ダップは1分当り1件も処理できない状況が発生する。

世界で最も多くの取引を処理するカード会社の一つであるビザカードは2万4000TPSを処理すると知られている。 このような状況では事実上ブロックチェーン技術を活用できないのが現状である。



それとともに"全体P2P(Peer to Peer)ネットワークを複数のノードグループに分け,各ノードグループに含まれているノードの中からノード検証者を選出する"とし、"ノードグループで処理した作業はノード検証者逹の合議によってノードブロックを生成させ、これらは最終的にシャード検証者の検証によってマスターブロックを生成させる"と付け加えた。





2018年11月08日 15:38
초당100만 봉황(중국어).PNG

10月19日,开发区块链基础收购交易(M&A)平台的GBC Korea宣布了一种新的解决方案,这方案是解决一般区块链的处理速度问题。

如果收购(M&A)平台内世界上许多用户进行投资业务的话, 需要处理每一秒数万到数十万的网上交易(TPS: Transaction Per Sec.)的解决方案。

但当前加密货币开头的比特币(bitcoin)是每一秒7TPS,以太坊是20TPS,EOS是3000TPS。 此现有金融服务相比, 显著的慢速。

例如,在以太坊(Etherium)平台上运行dApp(分散式应用程序)有大约2,000个。假设每个dApp中每秒发生一次网上交易, 以太坊(Etherium)的处理速为20 TPS左右, 所以一分钟内每个dApp发生无法处理的情况。

世界上,Visa卡是处理最多交易公司之一,visa卡公司能处理24,000 TPS。 但这种情况下,其实不能使用区块链技术。


GBC韩国公司的代表(Terrance Pak)说,“ GBC韩国跟在美国矽谷的Techcoins公司一起开发了每秒处理100万交易的技术。”,“ 已经应用了许多复杂的技术,但许多复杂的技术中适用一种随机选择持股证明(RPOS)协议基础的新分片(sharding)技术”

“所有的对等(P2P)网络分为多个节点(Node)组,包括每个节点组的节点中选出节点验证者。” “节点(Node)组内处理的工作是节点(Node) 验证者的协议后,生成节点块(node block)。然后最终通过Shard验证者,生成模座(master block)。”



[매일경제] 블록체인 활용… 개인도 손쉽게 M&A 투자
정석환 기자 입력 : 2018.11.29 17:42:27 수정 : 2018.11.29 19:46:33

◆ 레이더M ◆ 

가상화폐를 통해 개인투자자들이 손쉽게 인수·합병(M&A) 투자에 나설 수 있는 길이 열릴 전망이다. 지비시코리아는 최근 블록체인 기술을 활용한 M&A 플랫폼 개발을 완료하고 상용화에 박차를 가하고 있다. 

모건스탠리·메릴린치 출신인 박 태란스 지비시코리아 대표는 "일반투자자들도 M&A 거래에 참여해 수익 창출 기회를 얻을 수 있도록 만들어진 플랫폼"이라고 밝혔다. 기존 M&A 시장은 개인 접근이 사실상 불가능했다.

기관도 거래 과정에서 증권사·법무법인 등 중개 기관에 수수료 등 비용을 지불해야 했다. 이런 단점을 보완하고 누구나 쉽게 M&A 거래에 투자할 수 있도록 서비스를 제공하는 것이 지비시 목표다. 지비시 플랫폼(가칭)은 UCX란 이름의 새로운 가상화폐를 토대로 한다.

 UCX에 투자한 투자자들은 플랫폼이 보유한 M&A 대상 기업 정보를 자유롭게 열람하고, 투자 대상 기업을 정할 수 있다. M&A 진행 상황은 플랫폼에서 실시간 확인이 가능하다. 투자자들은 인수한 기업을 더 높은 가격에 되팔 때 매각차익을 얻을 수 있으며, 그사이 UCX 거래가 활성화되면서 UCX 가격이 오르면 이에 따른 차익도 함께 노릴 수 있다. 지비시코리아는 새로운 개념의 M&A 플랫폼 기술에 대한 특허를 출원했으며 내년 2월을 목표로 첫 M&A 거래를 시작하겠다는 계획을 세웠다. 

[정석환 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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